Monday, June 29, 2009

And when you're gone; will they love you the same?

*Pauses music for ultimate concentration.*

Let me start off with: Dejan, I fixed my comments. <3

So; the other night I was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't get to sleep. I was tired, but my eyes would not shut. ;frown.; It took me a while to realise that I couldn't fall asleep because I couldn't hear Christen. He was next to me; sleeping and usually I could hear his breathing (snoring T_T), but this time I couldn't. I didn't move or breathe for a moment; trying to catch any movement in his body to let me know he was okay.


And what did I do?


Why? Because I'd been down this road before and it was scary. I didn't want to do it again. I closed my eyes and tried to hold back the hysterics that were sure to burst out. I tried to will myself to go to sleep; assuring myself it was okay. My heart was racing and I was literally shaking. I couldn't take it anymore. I pressed myself against him. He was warm. He was moving. He was breathing. A sigh of releif escaped my lips and half asleep; he rolled over and took me in his arms.

So close. I was so close to leaving him alone when I thought he was.. dead.

I'm only human, my dears. You can't judge me without experiencing.

After that ordeal; I still couldn't sleep but I wasn't tired anymore. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Life really is short. Am I afraid of dying? I don't know. The only thing I know is that I'll die before a lot of people. Can't be helped because I won't let someone help me. I choose to ignore everything and live life normally as if I were going to live forever.

I've spoken about mine and Christen's future because, yes I do see myself having a future with him. I want to do everything as soon as possible because time is slipping. I'm not sure he understands it all yet. I don't want to force him, either. I'll just wait and enjoy our time together.

Who knows? Doctors could be wrong.

Goodbye, worry. Hello, reassurance.

1 comment:

  1. I have hair around my nipples.
    The thing told me to tell you a secret?

    Eh, we'll find a way.
    I'm still holding out ill manage to summon ifrit or leviathan one day.
    Or that a little skanky midgit will take me to a island where only men reside and will dye my hair red and put me in green leotards and teach me how to fly. it'll be ok.

    Nipple criple him next tine your concerned and call it foreplay.


Tell me a secret?